The Clerestory Podcast S1 E25

The Oklahoma Tenant Farmer and Me
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Kimi Bryson

Kimi is a writer, Black feminist, PhD candidate, and gluten free baker. Her writing and research explores sexuality, gender, faith, and race. She was raised in an evangelical Christian church, but her faith now reflects the spiritual insight of womanist theologians, Black feminist thinkers, and women writers.

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When I run into Ron, we speak from a distance, both masked, over six feet apart. Today, the greater the distance from new people, the safer I feel.

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When I was seventeen, I wrote a one-man play called “Gates and Chains,” dramatizing the Christian journey of faith. The protagonist, a version of myself, ultimately fails to progress in her spiritual journey because she refuses to release the delicate chain on her wrist. The chain of “familiarity” is comfortable, so she keeps it.