The Clerestory Podcast S1 E25

The Oklahoma Tenant Farmer and Me
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Mia Tabib

Mia Tabib is a social worker and therapist, and a recent graduate of Yale Divinity School. She loves thinking about Gentleness, and agrees with Hans Christian Andersen that our lives are all fairytales written by the hand of god.

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It is common to intellectualize the sacrament of Communion, and to view the practice as a sacred ritual of reverence. 

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Once upon a time… all history books should begin like a fairytale. 

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There is no magic deeper than re-telling a story, for you are giving yourself agency to assign meaning and (most importantly) to assign usefulness to time and events. When fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote, “Our lives are fairytales written by God’s fingers,” it was not just a cute ditty— it was a magic healing spell. 

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Hold my hand, dear reader, and accompany me to the realm of childhood— that place that is both real and imagined.