The Clerestory Podcast S1 E25

The Oklahoma Tenant Farmer and Me
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Tim J. Myers

Tim J. Myers is a writer, songwriter, storyteller, visual artist, and senior lecturer at Santa Clara University. His children’s books have won recognition from the New York Times, NPR, and the Smithsonian, with 16 out and more coming. He’s published over 140 poems, won a first prize in a poetry contest judged by John Updike, has five books of adult poetry out, published a nonfiction book on fatherhood, and won a major prize in science fiction. He also won the West Coast Songwriters Saratoga Chapter Song of the Year and the 2012 SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for Fiction. Facebook: TimJMyers1; Twitter: @TMyersStorySong; Instagram: @tmyersstorysong

essay “Gardened from the Wilderness of Space”

Some time ago, I went to a reading by an excellent Midwestern poet. 

photo story  Labyrinth

Came on my bike, hot in the August sun and beaten down by what life had been dolloping out to me.

photo story There Is No Ordinary

It’s a very strange thing, when you consider it, that sleeping or waking, you exist on an immense globe of atmosphere-wreathed rock hurtling through space.