The Clerestory Podcast S1 E25

The Oklahoma Tenant Farmer and Me
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Where Is The Pain?

A gruff man groans, his pain
Stretches from the stretcher
In the storage room that now
Extends the patience of patients.

He speaks poco English
Save for the word “my God”
When the sharp pain strikes.
The man in a white jacket

Entreats him to expound.
Me caí 28 pies,
From the scaffolding he fell,
Toda pierna derecha tiene dolor.

With scalding scolding:
Debes aprender inglés,
Después de 28 años aquí.
Behind him hangs a sign:

In English: ‘No Bullying’

Winson Law is a nonprofit worker and baker striving to make himself useful to others. He writes when he can, mostly in a personal journal, to digest matters of life, identity, and meaning. Born and raised in Seattle, he currently lives in Detroit.

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