The Clerestory Podcast S1 E25

The Oklahoma Tenant Farmer and Me
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Anushree Singh

Anushree is a Clinical Research Associate in San Diego, California. In pre-pandemic times she devoted her life to improvisational comedy and her tight knit San Diego community. She has used her writing to cope with the stress of life since high school and hopes that by sharing her story she can provide comfort to other survivors.

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When I was 21, I visited the British Museum in London. I toured the winding exhibits that showcased artifacts from around the world with my college roommate in tow.

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The familiar bell pierces the dewy March air and everyone rushes into the gymnasium, sneakers and sweatbands at the ready. I pull my thick hair up into a ponytail, wincing as I touch the burn on my left ear, another casualty from my daily standing appointment with my straightener.