The Clerestory Podcast S1 E25

The Oklahoma Tenant Farmer and Me
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Ray Mwareya

Ray Mwareya is a former refugee, amateur cook, spine pain survivor, immigration writer in Ottawa, Canada. His work appears in Life and Thyme, Newsweek, The Guardian, Reuters, and Thebody.

essay Racism and My Tea Obsession

I am a former refugee, and a tea fanatic, living in Ottawa, Canada. When I rented my first house in the city, I understood that my love for African tea would be a trigger for racism.

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I am a former refugee, and I held a factory-floor job in Canada in 2018 on arrival. I woke up at 5:00 am for a supposedly eight-hour job that extended into 12 hours when you counted the time it took me to climb endless stairs and the necessary three-hour Metro train ride to get there.